Lumley / Booth Cemetery Stones

    The following cemetery stones can be seen and the inscriptions read by clicking on the person's name.  All the names are on the "Booth" stone pictured below which is located in St. James' Cemetery at the corner of  Parliament at Bloor Streets in Toronto, Ontario. The stone it at the north end of the cemetery close to Bloor Street.

Click on the name to read the inscription.
(Please see the Lumley Page for details)

Mary Lumley (1829 - 1910)

Hannah Lumley (1833 - 1854)

Edmund Gell Lumley (1840 - 1896)

James Henry Lumley (1878 - 1957)

Lottie Lumley (1884 - 1974)

James Edmond Lumley (1915 - 1980)

There is also the cemetery stone of little
Charlotte Lumley
who died on April 27, 1877 Æt. 11 months.
Charlotte is buried at Greenwood Cemetery
in Georgetown, Ontario.

Please click to return to the Lumley Page.

Booth Stone


Please visit the Sewell Genealogy Site Map for the descent of the Sewell Family.